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If you are already running mongo locally make sure to stop it if you want to interface with the docker mongo database using something like RoboMongo

Helpful commands:

If using brew

brew services list

brew services stop mongodb

brew services start mongodb

A few other helpful tips for docker are that you can see which containers are running and ssh into them:

docker container ls

Since we are running a command when docker starts you need to create a new bash shell when you ssh:

sudo docker exec -i -t CONTAINER_ID_HERE /bin/bash

To start the server do this inside of the backend repo:

docker-compose up

To shut it down use:

docker-compose down

To run another configuration for docker use:

docker-compose -f docker.alt.yml up

Note for running the tests:

docker-compose.test.yml NEEDS to have docker-compose up before or redis wont be available Also note your database gets cleared on docker down: Your .env file will differ if running inside docker vs locally. Change redis to be ‘localhost’ and mongo ip to also be localhost.

Sample Post You can use to populate your DB (remove id for multiple entries)

{ “_id” : ObjectId(“59dcec425aa447d81ed0f05f”), “date” : ISODate(“2017-09-10T15:50:03.543Z”), “score” : 33.0, “categories” : [ 1082, 99 ], “content” : { “protected” : false, “rendered” : “” }, “title” : { “rendered” : “Bitcoin Segwit with Jordan Clifford — Original” }, “featuredImage” : “”, “link” : “”, “mp3” : “” }